Studentenbezogene Informationen | Student Related Information

| Student ID number*:
| Salutation:
| Last name*:
| First name*:
| Date of birth*:
| Gender*:
| Nationality*:

Informationen über das Studium | Information about your studies

| Faculty*:
| Study level*:
| Degree Faculty 7:
| Degree not Faculty 7:
| Specialization 1:
| Specialization 2:
| current semester*:
| current GPA:
| final Bachelor grade:
| Abitur average grade:
| number of ECTS achieved in the current degree*:

Informationen zum Auslandsstudium | infomration on studying abroad

| semester abroad*:
| 1st choice: country*
| 1st choice: university*
| 2nd choice: country
| 2nd choice: university
| 3rd choice: country
| 3rd choice: university

Sprachkenntnisse | Language skills

| English:
| Spanish:
| French:
| Other languages:

Anhänge | Attachments

Upload der Dokumente (jeweils nur EIN PDF) | Upload of the documents (only ONE PDF at a time)
Wenn Sie zu einem Punkt mehrere Dokumente haben, fassen Sie sie bitte VORHER zu einem einzigen PDF zusammen. | If you have several documents at one point, please combine them as a single pdf BEFORE submitting.
| CV*:

| Letter of motivation in the language of instruction*:
Wenn diese nicht Englisch ist bitte zusätzlich auf Deutsch | If this is not English, please add it in English

| Current PABO printout*:

| Certificates*:
bei Master auch BA-Zeugnis | in the case of a Master’s also a BA certificate

| Proof of language proficiency*:

| Course listing with Learning Agreement form*:

| Current certificate of enrollment*:

| Comment:
| Sharing your e-mail address with fellow students for the same university